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National Coconut Torte Day

Torte, a multilayered cake that originated in the Central and Eastern European countries of Hungary, Germany, and Austria, usually has a base and layers of sponge cake, but may also be flourless and be made with bread crumbs or ground nuts. It is filled with ingredients like buttercream, whipped cream, custard, jam, and fruit, and is often glazed with sweet icing and then garnished. Coconut torte, celebrated today with National Coconut Torte Day, brings the European torte together with the tropical coconut. Coconut torte originated in the Southern United States, where it remains popular today. The cake itself may be coconut flavored, the frosting or cream may be coconut, and it may be covered in coconut flakes. It usually consists of a few layers of white or yellow cake that is brushed with simple syrup and frosted with frosting, buttercream, or cream cheese. The layers are also often filled with pastry cream like coconut cream and covered in coconut flakes.

How to Observe National Coconut Torte Day

Pick up coconut torte from a local bakery, have a slice at a coffee shop or cafe, or make your own. You could try your had at one of many recipes:

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