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National Tailors' Day

National Tailors' Day celebrates those professionals who make, alter, or repair clothes to make them fit perfectly on their customers. Modern tailors have been around since the late eighteenth century. Tailoring, known more specifically as custom tailoring—and as bespoke tailoring in the United Kingdom—is distinct from made-to-measure, which uses pre-existing patterns. Custom tailoring involves making a completely original garment that is unique to each customer. Tailors often make and work with suits, coats, and dresses, and the garments are often made of silk, linen, or wool. When altering garments, tailors commonly shorten or lengthen hems, shorten sleeves, shorten straps, or add hooks or buttons.

How to Observe National Tailors' Day

Celebrate the day by thanking your tailor for the clothes they have made, altered, and repaired for you. This is the perfect day to wear those clothes. If anyone asks where you got them, make sure to mention your tailor. If you don't have a tailor, this is a great day to get one. If working as a tailor interests you, this is a fine day to start your journey to become one.

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