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Stop Bad Service Day

There are many examples of bad service: servers who aren't attentive, are rude, or who bring you the wrong order; companies that don't keep customers up-to-date as to when a product or service they ordered will be ready; and those who flat-out lie to customers and try to rip them off. It's time to put an end to all of it today. But how does one do that? Maybe the first step is to stand up and say something when customer service is bad. Point out bad service to the person who is giving it to you, and tell them that you aren't satisfied. If that doesn't help, talk to their superior. If the person at the top is the one providing bad service and no one will listen to your concerns, perhaps the whole business should be reported.

How to Observe Stop Bad Service Day

Celebrate the day by working to stop bad service. When you experience customer service that is not acceptable or not up to par, let the person who is providing it know. Do it in a constructive way to try to help them improve, not to anger them. If you feel you need to talk to someone higher up in the company, make sure to do so. Don't brush off bad service—you need to make sure it's stopped! If a whole company or the head of a company is providing bad service, report them to places such as the Better Business Bureau or the Federal Trade Commission, or share information about the bad service on Yelp.

This doesn't necessarily need to be a negative holiday. If you are given good service, make sure to compliment the person providing it as well! This will help ward off bad service in the future. If you yourself work in customer service, reflect on your own methods and practices, and see if there are ways you can improve. It's better to be proactive, as customers you are dealing with may also be celebrating Stop Bad Service Day, and you don't want to be the recipient of their criticism.

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