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World Hypnotism Day

World Hypnotism Day was created to remove the myths and misconceptions about hypnotism, while promoting its benefits. It first took place in 2006, and was held in honor of Dr. Jack Gibson, an Irish hypnotherapist who had passed away the previous year. Hypnotism is a state of consciousness where the hypnotized person is relaxed, has increased focus and reduced peripheral awareness, and is more open to suggestions. The hypnotized person is able to concentrate intensely on a thought or memory and block out other things. It is possible to reach one's subconscious mind, which can help overcome fears, solve problems, end addictions, and achieve goals. Hypnotism is mostly associated with two distinct things, stage hypnosis by magicians, and hypnotherapy by psychologists. Today is dedicated more so to showing the benefits of hypnotherapy, and that hypnosis is not just something used by magicians.

How to Observe World Hypnotism Day

Celebrate the day by attending a World Hypnotism Day event, by learning how to practice hypnosis, and by finding someone who already knows how to practice it and having them hypnotize you.

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