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National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

Today celebrates the cream cheese variation of the chocolate dessert, the brownie. Brownies can vary in their texture; they may have a similar consistency to cake, fudge, or cookies. Although they are often plain, they many times include ingredients such as nuts, frosting, or powdered sugar. They almost always are chocolate, but variations exist such as the blonde brownie, which substitutes the chocolate for brown sugar, and butterscotch brownies, popular in the South, which also contain no chocolate, and are topped with butterscotch meringue.

Brownies were created in the late 19th century, and were popularized at the beginning of the 20th. There is some debate as to their provenance. One story claims that Bertha Palmer, wife of the owner of the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago, asked a pastry chef to create a dessert for women to eat at the World's Columbian Exposition. The chef created the Palmer House Brownie, a brownie with walnuts and apricot glaze, that is still sold at the hotel today. Another story claims a housewife in Bangor, Maine, created the brownie. Brownies began appearing in their current form in various cookbooks during the first decade of the 20th century.

Cream cheese is made from milk and cream; it must contain at least 33 percent milk fat, and a moisture content of less than 55 percent. It was produced in small batches on family farms across the country in the nineteenth century. It was first mass produced in 1873, by William A Lawrence of Chester, New York. His brand eventually became "Philadelphia" cream cheese, which has been a part of Kraft since 1928. Besides being used for cream cheese brownies, it is popular on bagels, bread, crackers, and chips, and is used to make cheesecake and crab rangoon.

How to Observe National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

Celebrate the day by making and eating cream cheese brownies!

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