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Giving Hearts Day

Giving Hearts Day, "a 24-hour fundraising event for charities in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota," claims to be "the longest-running giving day in the country." It assists charities in funding their missions and has raised millions of dollars since the first event in 2008. Around 500 charities regularly participate, and individuals, businesses, and schools all get involved.

Giving Hearts Day began with a simple fundraising concept: "Around Valentine's Day, ask people to show affection to not only people they love but charities, too." Since then, it "has become the region's day to feed the hungry, nurture the elderly, and educate tomorrow's leaders." But it is not just a day: the two organizations behind it, the Dakota Medical Foundation and the High Impact Institute, help charities build fundraising systems that they use not only on Giving Hearts Day, but the whole year through.

How to Observe Giving Hearts Day

Some ways to take part in the day include:

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