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St. Jude's Feast Day

Today we mark the feast day of St. Jude, who goes by other names such as Judas, Thaddaeus, and Lebbaeus. He was one of the original Twelve Apostles of Jesus but is not to be confused with Judas Iscariot, Jesus's betrayer. In the Bible, there is no mention of him after Jesus's Ascension, but he is believed to be the author of the Epistle of Jude, which is included in the New Testament. During the fourth century, stories came about that claimed he did mission work in Persia with Simon the Zealot, another of the Twelve Apostles, and that they were martyred in Beirut. Since the eighth century, they both have had their feast day on October 28 in the Western Church. (St. Jude's feast day is held on June 19 and August 21 in the Eastern Orthodox Church.)

After Mary, Jude is the most called upon saint in prayer throughout the year. He is the patron saint of desperate and lost causes, a role he was given in France and Germany in the late eighteenth century. He is called upon during times of need, there is a belief that he intercedes, and he is thanked for his support and guidance. Throughout the year, his image is sometimes worn on medals or on pendants on necklaces, as a source of comfort. On St. Jude's Feast Day, the blessings, inspirations, and hope that St. Jude provides are celebrated. Shrines are visited, and Masses and other events are held.

How to Observe St. Jude's Feast Day

The following are some ideas on how to observe St. Jude's Feast Day:

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