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National Medical Dosimetrist's Day

Medical dosimetry professionals are celebrated around the world today, and the importance of their profession is recognized and their contributions are honored by the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists (AAMD). A medical dosimetrist is a radiation oncology professional that has expertise in radiation therapy treatment planning. They "develop, optimize, and monitor patient treatment plans and provide oversight to high-level treatment procedures." They closely work with radiation therapists, medical physicists, and radiation oncologists. They have "the education and expertise necessary to design, generate, and measure radiation dose distributions and dose calculations in collaboration with the medical physicist and radiation oncologist." They design a treatment plan after a radiation oncologist has consulted with a patient about treatment. They make calculations for the accurate delivery of the radiation oncologist's prescribed dose. They use specific beam angles and beam shapes, and make sure the patient doesn't lose healthy organ function.

There are additional careers that a medical dosimetrist may have. Some may work in research in the radiation oncology field. Some may teach in universities or colleges, educating future medical dosimetrists and other radiation oncology professionals. Some may take independent or temporary contract positions. Others may work as radiation oncology vendors or sales specialists, selling radiation oncology products and training other medical dosimetrists on how to use them. Finally, some may work in administrative roles. All medical dosimetrists are celebrated today, no matter if they design treatment plans and work closely with patients, or if they fulfill some other role.

How to Observe National Medical Dosimetrist's Day

The AAMD has suggested the following ways to celebrate the day:

  • Host a reception for the staff in the medical dosimetry department at your hospital or facility. Refreshments or a massage therapist could be provided.
  • Provide treats for patients throughout the day, week, or month and include a sign that says "Courtesy of your medical dosimetry team."
  • Have the medical dosimetry team at your facility introduce themselves to patients throughout the month and answer questions about treatment planning.
  • Ask to have a story about the medical dosimetry department put out in the next facility newsletter.
  • Host a lunch for the radiation therapy team and thank everyone for their collaboration with the medical dosimetry team.
  • Volunteer for an AAMD committee.

In past years, a contest has been held by the AAMD to create a poster for the day, and there have also been free educational webinars. Check the day's webpage for more information. You could also use the day to research how to become a certified medical dosimetrist.

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