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Electronic Greeting Card Day

Electronic greeting cards, or E-cards, are celebrated today. They are similar to normal greeting cards except they are created digitally and sent electronically. Traditionally they have been sent through email by using a computer, but types of greeting cards can now be sent through social media, and can be sent via smartphone or other mobile devices. E-cards can be sent to one person or to many people at a time. Usually the sender picks out a card from an online catalog, and then personalizes it with photos, videos, and a message. The card company sends the card to the recipient on behalf of the sender.

Working at the MIT Media Lab, Judith Donath created the first site to send E-cards, The Electric Postcard, in late 1994. It started slow, but by the late spring of 1996, over 1.7 million cards had been sent. By this time a number of other E-card sites had started, including Awesome Cyber Cards, and shortly thereafter Blue Mountain was started, which is still in operation today. There have been some changes in electronic greeting cards over the years, but the overall concept remains the same.

How to Observe Electronic Greeting Card Day

Celebrate the day by sending someone an electronic greeting card! There are many free sites to use for sending cards, as well as some that may have small fees.

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