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Holy Experiment Day

The purpose of the day is to try something religious. It is a day for experimenting with prayer, getting someone to consider your religion, or for trying out a new religion. When experimenting with prayer, prayers may be said for things that would seem like miracles if they occurred, as well as for things that seem more possible. The day is also for seeing what the effect the religious experiment had: were prayers successful, has someone considered changing their religion, and were you enlightened with your experiment with a new religion?

How to Observe Holy Experiment Day

Celebrate the day by trying some holy experiments and seeing what the results are. Pray for someone to be healed, pray for a change in weather, pray for a job opportunity, or pray for a date with someone. Take note of what the results of your prayers are. Invite someone non-religious to attend a religious service, or talk to them about converting to your religion. Try out or experiment with a new religion. Spend the day reading about it, or go to a religious gathering. Today your prayers may or may not be answered, you may or may not be able to interest someone in your religion, and you may or may not find satisfaction in trying out a new religion. No matter what happens, at least you will have done some holy experiments.

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