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National Frozen Yogurt Day

Frozen yogurt is celebrated today. It is a dessert that is lower in fat than ice cream, because milk is used to make it instead of cream. Not only is cow's milk used, but also milk from sheep, goats, and water buffalo. It is usually more tart than ice cream as well. Frozen yogurt also usually has healthy probiotics, although not all kinds do. Today it can be bought at grocery stores or in soft serve form at frozen yogurt shops.

On National Frozen Yogurt Day, some businesses give away free frozen yogurt or give discounts for it. Frozen yogurt is also celebrated in June. The International Frozen Yogurt Association has called for National Frozen Yogurt Day to be known as International Frozen Yogurt Day, as more and more frozen yogurt shops can now be found around the world.

Yogurt has been around for about 5,000 years, originating in the Middle East and India. It was brought to the United States in the early 1900s, and Dannon started selling prepackaged yogurt in the 1930s. In the early 1970s, frozen yogurt entered the market without much success. Some said they did not like the taste, and that it tasted too much like what it was—yogurt. The first commercial brand was Frogurt; it debuted in New England and was served in scoops like ice cream. In 1979, Dannon started making the "Danny," which was frozen yogurt on a stick coated with chocolate.

After a call for something that tasted more like ice cream but was healthier than it, TCBY—which now stands for "The Country's Best Yogurt"—opened a store in 1981. The frozen yogurt was made through a soft serve machine, not pre-packaged like previous versions. Frozen yogurt began to take off in the more-health-conscious 1980s. More frozen yogurt shops started to pop up, and sales of frozen yogurt reached $25 million in 1986. By the 1990s, ten percent of frozen desserts sold in the United States were frozen yogurt. But, as the 1990s progressed, interest in frozen yogurt declined, and there was a greater demand for foods higher in fat.

In the mid-2000s, frozen yogurt regained its popularity. Powder-based yogurt mixes were invented, which helped with the popularity in the United States, but also made frozen yogurt more accessible to countries that hadn't had it. Pinkberry opened in 2005; they started serving an extra tart soft-serve frozen yogurt, and quickly became popular. Yogurtland opened the first self-serve frozen yogurt shop, in 2006, where patrons could make their own yogurt creations with many different toppings. Many other self-serve yogurt shops soon opened. Today some of the most popular frozen yogurt brands are TCBY, Menchie's, Yogurtland, sweetFrog, and Red Mango.

How to Observe National Frozen Yogurt Day

Celebrate the day by eating frozen yogurt! Buy some at a store, make your own, or go to a frozen yogurt shop. Check with your local shops for deals or for free frozen yogurt. Try different kinds and add various toppings.

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