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Image for National Blueberry Muffin Day

National Blueberry Muffin Day

Taking place during National Blueberry Month and on the day after Pick Blueberries Day, National Blueberry Muffin Day is dedicated to the enjoyment of blueberry muffins. Blueberry muffins are generally a type of quickbread muffin, a kind of muffin that dates to nineteenth-century North America and is sometimes called an "American muffin" in Britain. While there are both sweet and savory muffins, today's focus is on a sweet muffin, the blueberry muffin. Moist, with a coarse-grained texture, muffins are baked and shaped in a similar way as cupcakes but differ in that they aren't as sweet and aren't frosted like cupcakes often are. They are made by sifting flour together with baking soda (which acts as a raising agent), butter or shortening, eggs, and, of course, blueberries!

How to Observe National Blueberry Muffin Day

Celebrate by making blueberry muffins! If you participated in Pick Blueberries Day yesterday, use some of the fresh blueberries you picked in your recipe. You also could check for specials on blueberry muffins in honor of the day at bakeries, donut shops, and coffee shops. The best place to get a blueberry muffin might be in Minnesota, where the blueberry muffin is the official state muffin.

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