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National Shrimp Scampi Day

In America, scampi is a dish consisting of shrimp cooked in butter, finely chopped garlic, lemon juice, and dry white wine. It is often served on top of linguine or another pasta. Scampi is common in Italian-American restaurants, where it is often listed on menus as shrimp scampi. In Italy, scampi is both the name of small lobsters called langoustines and the dish made with them. The crustaceans weren't available in America, so Italian-American cooks substituted shrimp when making the dish, perhaps giving it the name "shrimp scampi" to indicate it was made with shrimp, not langoustines. Shrimp scampi is celebrated and enjoyed today with National Shrimp Scampi Day.

How to Observe National Shrimp Scampi Day

Enjoy some shrimp scampi at a restaurant. Having it at a local Italian-American restaurant is ideal, but many national chains serve it as well. Some restaurants, such as Red Lobster, have offered shrimp scampi specials on the day. If you feel more like cooking, there are many shrimp scampi recipes you could try. Make sure to share a picture of your creation on social media with the hashtag #NationalShrimpScampiDay!

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