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Image for Fish Tank Floorshow Night

Fish Tank Floorshow Night

Day after day, the fish and other creatures in our fish tanks provide us with endless entertainment. We peer and peep into the tanks without the marine animals having any say in the matter. On Fish Tank Floorshow Night, the tanks are turned, and humans become the beings being watched when they gather around tanks to put on floorshows of song and dance for their finned friends.

How to Observe Fish Tank Floorshow Night

The creators of Fish Tank Floorshow Night, Thomas and Ruth Roy of, suggest that everyone "gather family and friends ‘round the aquarium and dance and sing" today. They recommend including songs like "La Mer," "Sea of Love," and "Swan Lake." Some other songs that you could add to your floorshow routine are "Yellow Submarine," "Rock Me on the Water," and "Dirty Water." If you don't have a fish tank, you could find someone who does or visit an aquarium.

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