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St. Stupid's Day

St. Stupid's Day is held each year on April 1 in San Francisco. It was started in 1979 by Ed Holmes, a member of the San Francisco Mime Troupe, who also goes by Bishop Joey of the First Church of the Last Laugh. St. Stupid's Day was founded on the belief that one of the unifying characteristics of society is stupidity. According to the First Church of the Last Laugh, "The one thing that unites the species across all differences of color, creed, nationality, zip code and beverage preference is stupidity."

St. Stupid's Day is centered around the St. Stupid's Day Parade. The parade begins at noon and marches through San Francisco's Financial District, the city's business center. Business is mocked with instruments, confetti, flags, and costumes—as silly as they can be. At the Stock Exchange, revelers exchange socks, not stocks. Pennies are thrown while near the Banker's Heart sculpture. Losing lottery tickets are tossed while next to the Federal Reserve. There also is the Leap of Faith, when parade-goers close their eyes, jump, and have faith the Earth will still be there when they land. Only a dozen or two people participated in the first parade, now thousands take part today.

How to Observe St. Stupid's Day

Head to San Francisco and march in the St. Stupid's Day parade. Wear the silliest costume you can find. March with an instrument, even if you can't properly play it. Mock business and embrace its stupidity and your own stupidity. Exchange socks and toss losing lottery tickets. Close your eyes, jump, and have faith the Earth will be there when you land. If you can't make it to San Francisco, dress up and start your own parade wherever you are. You could also watch a documentary about St. Stupid's Day.

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