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Tell the Truth Day

We all lie, many of us doing so many times a day. There are different types of liars—some tell little white lies; some are sociopaths who use charm and charisma to get something, without regard for the feelings of others; and some are compulsive or chronic liars, who lie about anything, and for which lying is second nature. People lie to their boss, family members, and friends. Today is for focusing on telling the truth, even if it's difficult. All world religions emphasize its importance, and society as a whole values it as well.

How to Observe Tell the Truth Day

Celebrate by attempting to tell the truth the whole day. Keep track of how many times you find yourself about to lie, and try to stop yourself from doing so. If you have young children in your life, teach them the importance of telling the truth. If you have been lying to a family member or a friend about something, today is the day to finally come clean about it. It may be painful now, but it is better than letting the lie continue. Today may also be a good day to play "truth or dare," or take a lie detector test.

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