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World Jump Day

The first World Jump Day took place on July 20, 2006. According to the day's creator, Torsten Lauschmann, a German-born artist who claimed he was Professor Hans Peter Niesward from Munich's Institute for Gravitational Physics, 600 million people in the Western Hemisphere jumped simultaneously at 11:39.13 Coordinated Universal Time that day. The goal of the jump was to move the Earth out of its orbit, to a new orbit. The hope was that this would "stop global warming, extend daytime hours and create a more homogenous climate." Of course, permanently changing the Earth's orbit is not possible, and the jump didn't end global warming. But that hasn't stopped anyone from continuing to jump each year on World Jump Day.

How to Observe World Jump Day

If you live in the Western Hemisphere, celebrate the day by jumping. Taking your jump at 11:39.13 Coordinated Universal Time probably is the best time to do it, so everyone is in sync and there is a better chance of moving the Earth out of its orbit. Watching a video about the day might be a great way to prepare for your jump.

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