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Global Work From Home Day

Both employees and employers take part in Global Work From Home Day, a day when employees work from home and connect with other remote workers. Such an event is constructive because working remotely can provide benefits for both employers and employees. In conjunction with the day, its creators, Remote-how, put together an eBook to enhance effectiveness for remote workers. Titled Everything You Need to Know About Working From Home, it includes information about designing home office spaces, tips on staying productive, and strategies for self-motivation and digital collaboration.

How to Observe Global Work From Home Day

If you are able to, work from home today. Use the hashtag #WorkFromHomeDay to meet and network with other remote workers, and post it along with a photo and information about why you enjoy working from home. During past celebrations, prizes have been given to remote workers named to have the best pictures, so check to see if that contest is happening this year. Have discussions about the benefits of remote work and download the eBook Everything You Need to Know About Working From Home. If you are an employer, have your whole company participate in the day!

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