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Aviation Maintenance Technician Day

Aviation maintenance technicians inspect, maintain, and repair aircraft so that the machines can safely transverse the sky and airborne infrastructure can function smoothly. The goal of Aviation Maintenance Technician Day is twofold. First, it recognizes the achievements of aviation maintenance professionals "who ensure the safety and security of our airborne aviation infrastructure." Second, it recognizes the achievements of Charles Edward Taylor, the builder of the engine that powered the Wright Brothers' airplane into flight on December 17, 1903, and who can be considered to be the first aviation maintenance technician. He went on to work in aircraft maintenance for over 60 years. Aviation Maintenance Technician Day takes place on the anniversary of his birth.

Almost all states have passed resolutions for Aviation Maintenance Technician Day. On the national level, Jonas "Martin" Frost III [D-TX] sponsored a House resolution in 2004 that did not receive a vote. A resolution was introduced by Bob Filner [D-CA] on May 24, 2007, and was passed by a voice vote on April 30, 2008. In the Senate, Chuck Schumer [D-NY] introduced a resolution in support of the day in 2015 which was agreed to the following year. Both the House and Senate resolutions name the day as National Aviation Maintenance Technician Day. President Donald Trump put out a statement in support of Aviation Maintenance Technician Day in 2019.

How to Observe Aviation Maintenance Technician Day

Some ideas on how you could observe the day include:

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