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International Face Your Fears Day

There are countless fears that hold people back and cause them to miss out on so many of the great things in life because they think their only option is to live with their fear. People are afraid to fly or to go up tall buildings; they are afraid of snakes or spiders; and they are afraid of seeking a better job, pursuing a new romantic relationship, or public speaking. International Face Your Fears Day is a "catalyst designed to give people the permission, the encouragement and the little nudge they need to step up to their fears and say 'no more.'" This is not a day to sit idly—it is for identifying, facing, and overcoming fear. It is for mustering courage and taking control.

Participants in the day acknowledge and talk about their fears and imagine how their life would be different if they got past them. They then discover ways they can overcome their fears, they confront them, and they push past them. Those who are able to do this are celebrated today, and they encourage others to face their fears. Facing fears will help to build self-confidence, bring a sense of accomplishment, and produce the resolve to face other obstacles. International Face Your Fears Day was created by Steve Hughes, a public speaker who is behind Hit Your Stride. It originally took place on the third Tuesday of October, but within a short while, it switched to being held on the second Tuesday of October.

How to Observe International Face Your Fears Day

Start out by talking about and acknowledging your fears. What has been holding you back and keeping you from what you want to achieve? Perhaps you could learn about some of the more common fears while thinking about your own. Once you acknowledge your fears, you must take them on and defeat them. There are many online sources and books that can help get you on a path to overcoming your fears. You should also encourage others to overcome their fears today.

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