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Play God Day

People may play God when they put themselves above others, thinking they are better than them, or when they control other's lives in some way. People are also often seen as playing God when they dabble in the scientific unknown, with things like cloning. However, according to most interpretations of Play God Day, the day is about doing something nice for someone to make their day better, just as if God was smiling down on them with a blessing. In order to play god, one doesn't necessarily need to be miraculous, as God often works in quiet, mysterious ways.

How to Observe Play God Day

Celebrate the day by doing something nice for someone or for multiple people, to make them feel like God is shining on them on the day. You could also think bigger, and imagine what it would be like to be God for the day. What would you do if everything was in your hands? How would you make the world a better place? Finally, you could celebrate the day by watching a film where people play God, such as Bruce Almighty.

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