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National Psychometrist Day

First celebrated on May 20, 1996, at the National Association of Psychometrists' first conference in Madison, Wisconsin, National Psychometrist Day recognizes psychometrists and their profession. Under the supervision of clinical psychologists and clinical neuropsychologists, psychometrists administer and score psychological and neuropsychological tests. The tests measure cognition, mood, and behavior, and may focus on memory, attention, planning, organization, and academics.

Psychometrists have worked alongside psychologists and neuropsychologists since the 1930s. To complete their work successfully, psychometrists must have strong interpersonal and analytical skills and must have accuracy and standardization at their core. They must be able to accurately score assessments and provide detailed behavioral observations. Besides administering and scoring tests, they may collect demographic information from patients and undertake clerical and administrative duties.

How to Observe National Psychometrist Day

  • Thank any psychometrists you know. One way to show appreciation is to give them gifts. Pencils, rulers, erasers, calculators, and other items they can use for work are fitting, but chocolate, flowers, and gift certificates work too.
  • Become a psychometrist.
  • Get involved with the National Association of Psychometrists.
  • If you have been putting off scheduling a psychological or neuropsychological test for a loved one, today is an opportune day to schedule it.

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