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Digital Learning Day

Digital Learning Day is a national awareness campaign that celebrates innovative teachers, highlights and celebrates instructional practices that strengthen and personalize learning for all students, and ensures that these youth have access to high-quality digital learning opportunities no matter where they live. It is celebrated by individuals and teams, district and school administrators, and teachers.

How to Observe Digital Learning Day

Plan an event or activity, check out the Digital Day Learning map on the day's official website to find events in your area, and add your event to the map. Follow Digital Learning Day on Facebook for up-to-date information. Some other ideas that the Alliance for Excellent Education gives:

  • Host a #DLDay sharing board on Flipgrid for your colleagues.
  • Recognize a teacher in your school or district as the Digital Learning Guru for the day.
  • Host a student video creation contest that asks students to share their voices about technology in learning.
  • Invite parents and community members into classrooms to see technology investments in action; Encourage your colleagues to join the network.
  • Leverage the #DLDay hashtag on social media to share some of the great things happening in your district, school, and/or classroom.
  • Encourage teachers from different areas of the school to co-teach a coordinated technology-infused lesson on that day.

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