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Wish Fulfillment Day

Sigmund Freud came up with the concept of wish fulfillment in his book The Interpretation of Dreams. It occurs when unconscious desires, having been repressed by the ego and superego, are fulfilled unconsciously, in dreams or dreamlike states like daydreams, hallucinations, and neurotic episodes. There is scant information available about Wish Fulfillment Day. Does it have to do with Freud's concept? Does it merely have to do with having one's wishes fulfilled? Maybe all one needs to do is dream and the answers will be revealed.

How to Observe Wish Fulfillment Day

Think about what wishes you have. It's a great day to take steps to fulfill them. While hard effort may be necessary, perhaps all that needs to be done is a little bit of dreaming. This may especially be the case for repressed desires you don't even know you have.

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