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Tell a Lie Day

Some view Tell a Lie Day—also known as National Tell a Lie Day—as a day when anyone is free to tell big and small lies. Others say that not all types of lies should be said today, but only white lies, as they are often said to prevent the hurting of someone's feelings. It is unknown who started the day, and if someone stepped forward and said they had created it, chances are that they would be lying.

How to Observe Tell a Lie Day

Here are a few ideas on how to spend the day:

  • Tell as many big and small lies as you want.
  • Tell lies, but make sure they are only white lies.
  • Play board or card games where bluffing is used.
  • Read about some famous liars and about the biggest lies in history.
  • Read a story that involves lying, such as Pinocchio or The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
  • Read a book about lies.

If you are feeling a little guilty after this holiday, don't worry, National Honesty Day isn't too far away.

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