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Lost Sock Memorial Day

How often have you reached into your sock drawer or laundry basket, perplexed to find one sock, but not the one that matches it? Chances are that you have held onto your lone socks, with hopes that someday their matches would return. Lost Sock Memorial Day is for looking for those lost socks one last time, honoring them, and then letting go by throwing away or putting to another use those unpaired socks that have been lingering in your sock drawer.

How to Observe Lost Sock Memorial Day

Celebrate the day by trying to pair up any of your solitary socks. If you can't find those that are missing after a good amount of searching, accept that they are lost forever and move on with your life. Perhaps you could have a moment of silence for them, and then remove the unpaired socks from your drawer. You could just throw them away, but you could use a few of them to make sock monkeys or sock puppets. You could also use your socks for rags.

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