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National Ample Time Day

National Ample Time Day is a day dedicated to reflecting on one's priorities, daily structure, and health, in an effort to create more than enough time in a day to complete necessary tasks, and to live a more fulfilling life.

How to Observe National Ample Time Day

Celebrate the day by focusing, reflecting, and working on things that will help you have ample time each day. Beverly Beuerman King, a resiliency and wellness strategist, has come up with a few pointers that may be of use to you today:

  • Figure out your priorities—it will be easier to make decisions about your time when you know what they are; write them down and see which ones are the most important.
  • Also write down weekly and daily to-do lists—weekly lists map out your priorities for the week; daily lists detail more of your daily jobs, tasks, and chores.
  • Watch out for distractions—things that aren't part of your priorities may suck you in; TV and social media may be part of your relaxation time, but make sure to account for them in your daily lists, and limit their time.
  • Simplify—get rid of things you don't need that take up too much of your time; conserve time by making a route for when you drive to multiple places at once; plan out meals in advance.
  • Take care of yourself—get enough rest, eat well, and exercise, so that your body is running at full capacity and you are able to get as much done in a day as possible.

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