National Sea Serpent Day
Sea serpents, also often known as sea dragons, were common in ancient mythologies and are celebrated on Sea Serpent Day. They may have been partially inspired by the giant oarfish, which can grow up to fifty feet in length, and is rarely sighted because it lives thousands of feet below the ocean's surface. But in contrast to the harmless oarfish, serpents are usually portrayed as dangerous monsters. It is unclear why Sea Serpent Day takes place on August 7, but two of the most legendary sea serpent sightings took place in the month of August—Daedalus on August 6, and Gloucester later in the month. Daedalus was spotted in 1848, while Gloucester was spotted in 1817.
How to Observe National Sea Serpent Day
Celebrate the day by watching movies with sea monsters, or reading books about sea serpents such as The Great New England Sea Serpent, Gloucester's Sea Serpent, and Monster's Of The Sea. National Sea Serpent Day takes place on the same day as Beach Party Day, so be careful!