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National WebMistress Day

In 1995, Kat Valentine obtained the domain name and began using the title webmistress while doing web development. The title was a play on webmaster, which had been around since the mid-1980s. Today, thousands of women use webmistress as a job title. Valentine founded National WebMistress Day in 2016 to promote and recognize women in web development—who design, develop, market, and maintain websites—and to celebrate the legitimacy of webmistress being used as a job title. On the day, people support and promote webmistresses they know. This is done by tweeting shout-outs, emailing them thanks for a job well done, writing a short testimonial, submitting a great review on Facebook, endorsing their skills on LinkedIn, and liking, following, and sharing their social media accounts.

How to Observe National WebMistress Day

Here are some ideas for how you can observe the day:

  • Like the National WebMistress Day Facebook page and put a note on it about a webmistress you know with a link to her Facebook business page or website.
  • Like, share, and follow the social media accounts of a webmistress you know.
  • Email a webmistress to thank them for the work they have done for you.
  • Endorse a webmistress's skills on LinkedIn.
  • Tweet about a webmistress you know. Use the hashtag #nationalWEBMISTRESSday, the webmistress's twitter name, and @username in your tweet.
  • Use the hashtag #nationalWEBMISTRESSday to show you are a woman web designer and to show you have pride working under the title webmistress.
  • Sign up on the day's official website to receive HTML emails related to the day that you can forward to friends to let them know about the day.
  • If you are a woman, you could look into how to become a webmistress.

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