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National Hanging Out Day

How do you dry your clothes? Do you put them in a dryer? Or do you hang them outside on a clothesline? National Hanging Out Day was created to show the benefits of hanging clothes on a clothesline, such as the saving of both money and energy. It was created by Project Laundry List, an environmentalist group based out of Vermont that works to make "air-drying and cold-water washing laundry acceptable and desirable as simple and effective ways to save energy."

The day was first held in 1998, the same year that Dick McCormack, State Senator from Vermont, introduced that state's Right to Dry bill. Project Laundry List has become the main force behind the "right to dry" movement, which pushes for right to dry laws—laws that prevent the prohibition of outdoor clothes drying. It is their belief that Americans use too much energy needlessly, and with the day they work to focus the public's attention towards the stewardship of natural resources, and towards good economics. An average of 8% is cut from energy bills by switching to clotheslines, and doing so also lessens pollution. In addition, clothes last longer if they are dried on clotheslines, and hanging clothes outside provides fresh air, sunshine, mild exercise, and time for reflection.

How to Observe National Hanging Out Day

Celebrate the day by doing a load of laundry and hanging it on a clothesline to dry. If it's a damp day without any wind, or if you can't hang your clothes outside for some other reason, you could hang them inside. Additionally, you could snap a picture of your full clothesline and share it on social media.

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