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National Garage Sale Day

National Garage Sale Day is celebrated by those who go to and put on garage sales—also known as rummage sales, yard sales, and tag sales—a type of sale where gently used goods are sold by private individuals. C. Daniel Rhodes of Hoover, Alabama, got the idea for the day after he saw one neighbor having a garage sale one weekend, and another neighbor having one the next. He saw some of the same people shopping both weekends, which made him think it would be more convenient if all garage sales took place on the same day. So he put them on the second Saturday of August with the creation of National Garage Sale Day.

Garage sales give sellers the opportunity to make some money and get rid of items they no longer use or need. Their junk could be someone else's—the buyer's—treasure. Buyers may find something they've been looking for, and get it at a deal. Bargaining over the prices of items isn't uncommon. There often is a recreational aspect to going to and having garage sales. Some of the most common items sold at garage sales are toys, clothing, sporting equipment, books, tools, appliances, antiques, collectibles, Americana, video games, music, and furniture. Not only do sales take place in garages, but under carports, in yards, in driveways, and in houses. Signs are usually posted to advertise for and direct potential buyers to sales, and ads may also be placed online and in newspapers.

Millions of garage sales are held each year in the United States. They are most common in suburbs and in small cities on Saturdays during the warmer months. Some communities hold community-wide garage sales. The rise in affluence in the 1950s and '60s led to the purchase of consumer goods, and homes to store them in, and later sell them from. The number of garage sales skyrocketed in the 1970s, and garage sales became their own slice of Americana. Garage sales continued in popularity in the twenty-first century on account of disposable income and a consumerist desire for material goods. Garage Sale Day provides the opportunity for sales to take place on the same day, making it convenient for shoppers to go to many of them!

How to Observe National Garage Sale Day

One way to participate is to have a garage sale! Make sure to plan well before putting out your sale signs. Why not ask your neighbors to join you and have a neighborhood-wide garage sale! Another way to participate is to go to garage sales! Go to any garage sales being held near you. You could look for garage sales farther away by checking your local newspaper or websites like Craigslist or Garage Sale Finder, or by downloading a garage sale app like Yard Sale Treasure Map. Once you've finished your day, enjoy your new treasures or count how much money you've made. You could wind down by watching the short documentary Yardsale!

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