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National String Cheese Day

National String Cheese Day celebrates the stringy snack, which is usually made with mozzarella cheese. The day was founded by Galbani Cheese in 2017. It is believed that string cheese was invented by Frank Baker of Baker Cheese in St. Cloud, Wisconsin, in 1976. Baker Cheese had originally made cheddar cheese, but switched to making only mozzarella, to fill the demand for cheese for pizza that had been fueled by the proliferation of take-out pizza establishments in the Midwest—establishments such as Pizza Hut in Kansas in 1958, Little Caesar's in Michigan in 1959, and Domino's in Michigan in 1960. Originally the mozzarella was made in large loaves or blocks, but customers wanted to snack on the cheese when they weren't eating pizza, and needed something more convenient. Frank Baker didn't want to get into the market of cubed or shredded mozzarella cheese, which other companies were already doing, and decided to tinker until he came up with something different. His original string cheese looked like a twisted rope, and he tried it out at bars and parties to see if it was liked. Within a few years the cheese took its cylindrical form, individual packaging for each string of cheese lengthened its shelf life, and it became popular across the country. It is possible that other companies came up with string cheese around the same time as Baker, but there is no specific evidence of this.

How to Observe National String Cheese Day

Celebrate the day by eating string cheese. Mozzarella is the most common, but you may be able to find other types as well if you look around. To fully celebrate the day you should peel the cheese into strings as you eat it.

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