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National Date Nut Bread Day

Date Nut Bread Day is dedicated to the bread made with dates and nuts. Dates, or date palms, have been cultivated in the Middle East and Indus Valley for thousands of years, and probably originated around Iraq. Dates spread to South West Asia, northern Africa, and Spain through trade, and were brought to Mexico and California by the Spaniards in 1765. There are three variations of dates: soft, dry, and semi-dry. One type of date nut bread, date and walnut loaf, is traditionally eaten in Britain, and is made with treacle, a sugary syrup, or with tea, along with dates and walnuts. It is also popular in Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand. Date nut bread is popular in the United States, especially around the holidays. In fact, one reason that one of the National Date Nut Days takes place on December 22 is likely because it is close to the holiday season, although it is not known why the other day is celebrated on September 8.

How to Observe National Date Nut Bread Day

Celebrate the day by buying some date nut bread at a bakery, or by making your own. You could try adding different types of nuts and fruits to get creative!

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