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International Pizza Cake Day

According to legend, the first pizza cake—a cake that looks like a pizza—was created by Chef François Gundermeaux, for the wedding of France's Duke of Angoulême and Italy's Lady Mauriello. This wedding was said to have happened in France during the time of the Italian Wars, during the French Renaissance, in part to form an alliance. As the story goes, Lady Mauriello's father, Geomar, requested to Chef Gundermeaux that a traditional Italian pizza be included with the wedding meal. As it was the day before the wedding, and Chef Gundermeaux was not familiar with pizzas besides seeing them in paintings but was an expert at making pastries, he created a cake that looked like a pizza. Upon tasting the creation, Geomar exclaimed, "This is not pizza, this is pizza cake!" This story appears on the International Pizza Cake Day Facebook page but could not be substantiated. There were multiple Dukes of Angoulême during the time of the Italian Wars, but it is unknown if any of them married a Lady Mauriello, or had a chef named Gundermeaux bake them a pizza cake. Regardless if the story is true, today is a day to eat cakes that are shaped like pizzas.

In 2014, after this holiday already existed, recipes for a different type of pizza cake began appearing online. This pizza cake used ingredients regularly used for a pizza, but was baked by layering multiple pizzas on top of each other. Although this was not the original intention of this holiday, people may celebrate the day by eating this type of pizza cake as well.

How to Observe International Pizza Cake Day

Celebrate the day by making a pizza cake. See if you can fool your friends into thinking they are about to bite into a slice of pizza. Being that there are multiple recipes out there, you should be able to find one that does the trick. You could also celebrate the day by making a pizza cake made out of pizza.

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