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New Friends Day

Friends enrich lives in countless ways, and today is a day to work to forge new friendships, as well as to strengthen friendships that have recently started. It is a day to embrace the potential of new friendships, and to be open to having new friends. We are happier with a strong support system of friends, and loneliness can be kept at bay. Friendships also reflect who we are, so if we surround ourselves with good, virtuous, and dynamic people, we're more likely to have those traits as well. Today is an opportunity to bring these good people into our lives. New friends can also expand the way we view the world; we can be exposed to new ideas, hobbies, and ways of thinking. The more friends we have, the more accepting and understanding of the differences of people we will be.

How to Observe New Friends Day

Celebrate the day by getting to know an acquaintance better. Today is the day to turn a colleague or neighbor into a true friend, or to start a friendship with someone you know, but have never really talked to. The day can also be celebrated by making a friendship with someone you have never met before. Go to a new place and strike up a conversation with someone you've never seen before. Go to a local event you've never been to, volunteer somewhere, or go to a meet-up that involves a hobby you enjoy. These are all great ways to meet people that may become new friends.

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