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Make Your Dream Come True Day

Make Your Dream Come True Day, which has also been known as Make Your Dreams Come True Day, was created by Jeffrey J. Mayer, author of time management books, to encourage people to find the right job for themselves. It appears he started the holiday in 1993, the same year he published Find the Job You've Always Wanted in Half the Time with Half the Effort.

Mayer said that in order to find a career they love, one must decide what they value and what they wish to do with their life. He suggested observers of the day set time aside to imagine what types of work they would enjoy and to make a plan to make their dream come true. He said they should make three lists: one that lists aspects of current and past jobs that they found satisfying and fulfilling, one that lists their skills and talents, and one that lists their accomplishments. After this, they should use what they learned to pursue a new job and make their dream come true!

How to Observe Make Your Dream Come True Day

Celebrate the day by setting out to get your dream job. Reflect on what you value, think about the type of work you would enjoy, and make a plan to get there. Make three lists: one listing aspects of current and past jobs you've found fulfilling, one listing your skills and talents, and one listing your accomplishments. Use what you've gathered together to pursue and get your dream job! If you already have such a job, you could look into ways to make your job more fulfilling and rewarding.

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