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Zero-Tasking Day

Daylight Saving Time ends today, when we turn our clocks back and "gain" an hour. Author Nancy Christie had the idea that instead of using the gained hour for more work and stress, we should instead be using it to "take a breath, relax, reenergize, refresh and deload." According to Christie, we shouldn't be playing catch-up on tasks we've been meaning to get to today. Instead, we should do nothing—nothing except a little soul searching and reflection. She said we should stop and breathe and marvel at our own existence; that we should reflect on and look at the world around us and place ourselves within it with a sense of peace; and that we should use the day to strengthen ourselves and be kind and nurturing to ourselves, so we are better able to help others, and so we will be more equipped to reach our own goals.

How to Observe Zero-Tasking Day

Instead of trying to cram in more work, celebrate the extra hour that you have today by pausing and reflecting. Take some deep breaths and reenergize yourself so that you are better able to help others and are better able to reach your own goals in the future.

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