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Punch the Clock Day

Today celebrates the punch clock, which is also known as a time clock, time recorder, or clock card machine. Mechanical time clocks often use heavy paper cards called time cards, that are put into a time slot and "punched" by a worker before they start work. The first time clock is seen as being invented by Willard Le Grand Bundy, a jeweler, from Auburn, New York. He invented it in 1888, and filed a patent in 1890. The patent suggests time recorders probably already existed, but that he just improved on them. His brother, Harlow Bundy, started the Bundy Manufacturing Company and began mass-producing them shortly thereafter. In the late twentieth century there was a move away from mechanical time clocks, to more computer-based ones. There are now time clocks that use the technology of smartphones and tablets.

How to Observe Punch the Clock Day

Celebrate the day by punching the clock at work—not literally—but to record your work time. If you are a boss you should have lots of treats in the break room or by the punch clock, so that everyone can relax for a moment and celebrate the clock. If you don't have to go to work today, celebrate the fact that you are not punching a clock.

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