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Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Bubble Wrap is a generic trademark—a name that has become synonymous with similar products—for a transparent plastic material with air-filled bubbles used for packing fragile products when they are delivered or transported. Bubble Wrap is also often popped for entertainment and stress relieving purposes. Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day was started by "Spirit 95," a radio station in Bloomington, Indiana. The day was first held in 2001.

In 1957, Engineers Marc Chavannes and Al Fielding worked in a garage to create a three dimensional plastic wallpaper, by sealing two shower curtains together. They were not successful in selling their wallpaper, so they began marketing it as greenhouse insulation. In 1960 they started the Sealed Air Corporation. The following year they realized their product could be used as a cushioning and packaging material. It was originally used to package IBM 1401 computers for shipment. Now it is used for food packaging more than for anything else. Bubbles are generally different sizes, usually 1/4 inch in diameter to 1 inch in diameter. Bubble Wrap is often made from polyethylene film.

How to Observe Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Celebrate the day by buying some Bubble Wrap, and using it to pack something, or to pop for fun. You could also get artistic with Bubble Wrap and make Bubble Wrap prints, a jellyfish umbrella, bubbled brayer backgrounds, Bubble Wrap firecrackers, or a Bubble Wrap calendar. You could also pick up The Bubble Wrap Book and an electronic Bubble Wrap keychain.

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