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Stick To Your New Year's Resolution Day

Did you make New Year's resolutions this year? We are almost two weeks into the new year, and people are starting to break the goals they made. At this point in the year about a third of people have already broken their resolutions, and it will only go downhill from here. Today is dedicated to making sure you stick to your resolutions!

How to Observe Stick To Your New Year's Resolution Day

By the end of the year, about 9% of people feel they have been successful in sticking to their New Year's resolutions. Will you be part of this small group? Go back and read over the list of goals you made. Have you been sticking to them so far? Being that we are almost a few weeks into the year, we are at the point where people stop sticking to their commitments. Don't be one of them! If you are having difficulty achieving your goals, reach out to someone for support. If you have set new exercise goals, find someone else who exercises too and you will have a better chance at success. If you stumble, pick yourself up and keep going. Don't worry if you aren't perfect all the time. Just make sure you keep moving forward!

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