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Image for Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

If you've been meaning to get to something this year, you best do it now, because you are almost out of time—you have just two days before the new year. Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute gives you the opportunity to complete any tasks you've been meaning to get to during the year but have not yet gotten to. In many cases, enormous changes need to be made in order to complete these tasks, especially if you've been procrastinating. Today we set ourselves on a path to live the last few days of the year to the fullest and accomplish what we can.

How to Observe Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

Look back on the things you planned to do this year. Perhaps you started with a big list and recommitted yourself to it in the middle of the year, but with two days left have much left to accomplish. What things didn't you complete? There's a good chance you have to make some enormous changes right now if you want to get them done by the end of the year. You better get to them now—there is no time to waste!

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