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National Take your Parents to Lunch Day

Taking place during National School Lunch Week, National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day started as a collaborative effort between the School Nutrition Association and now-shuttered KIWI Magazine that encourages parents to join their children for lunch in their school's cafeteria. It gives parents the opportunity to learn more about the food choices and nutrition their children receive at lunch each day. It opens the lines of communication between parents and school officials so that providing healthy meals at school is a priority.

How to Observe National Take your Parents to Lunch Day

  • If you are a school official, organize a National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day event. Serve what you usually would, highlight one of the cafeteria's hit meals, or offer a sampling of common meals. Talk to parents and kids about the school lunch program and efforts to make sure it provides nutritious food for everyone.
  • If you are a student, take your parents to lunch today. Share with them about what food you usually eat and what your favorite healthy meals at school are.
  • If you are a parent, before taking part in the day, talk with school officials about the event, or organize with the PTA or other parents. On the day, eat lunch with your children. See what types of healthy choices are being offered and talk with your children about the importance of healthy eating. Ask them about what their favorite school lunch foods are and if they usually eat all the food on their tray. Connect with the school officials in charge of the lunch program to talk to them about the importance of nutrition and healthy lunches. Ask them questions such as how they develop the menu and how they intend to encourage kids to make healthier food choices.

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