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World Teachers' Day

Since 1994, World Teachers' Day has celebrated teachers. It focuses on "appreciating, assessing and improving the educators of the world," "provide[s] an opportunity to consider issues related to teachers and teaching," and aims to bring a better understanding of the role that teachers play in developing students and society. It also commemorates the adoption of the "Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers," which took place at an intergovernmental conference in Paris on the date in 1966. The document, created by UNESCO and the ILO, set benchmarks for the rights and responsibilities of teachers and set standards for the preparation, continuing education, recruiting, employment, and teaching and learning conditions of teachers. It was followed up 31 years later by the "Recommendations concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel," which covered teachers in higher education. World Teachers' Day is co-convened by the ILO, UNICEF, and Educational International (EI). The campaign has a different theme each year.

How to Observe World Teachers' Day

Take part in the day by celebrating teachers and the teaching profession. Raise awareness for issues that teachers face, and work to ensure that respect for teachers is the norm. Thank one of your current or former teachers. Check UNESCO's World Teacher's Day webpage for materials related to this year's celebration and for other ways you can celebrate.

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