Make a Hat Day
This is a day for making hats. Hats are worn for many different reasons: for religious purposes, to protect from the elements, for style, or to show one's profession or status. There are also many different styles of hats, and they can be made of various materials such as cotton, wool or fur felt, polyester, straw, yarn, paper, and cloth. Someone who works with or makes hats is known as a milliner, and that term is most likely related to the Italian city of Milan.
How to Observe Make a Hat Day
The day should be celebrated by making a hat. You could make a hat out of one of the many materials mentioned in the description of the day. A felt hat is probably the best to make, as it also happens to be National Felt Hat Day. You may need to go to the store to find some hat making supplies, or you can purchase some online. Have a hat making party with friends, or have a party where guests wear hats that they have made before attending. Have a contest and vote on who has the best hat!