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Mulligan Day

Mulligan Day is a day when people redo something that didn't turn out the first time. It is a day when people give themselves or others a second chance. Mulligan is a term used in golf when someone who shoots a bad shot is given a do-over. It is only used in informal games, and usually only one extra shot is given per 18 holes, although sometimes a mulligan is given every 9 holes. The term can be applied to other games such as darts as well. The word likely came from David Mulligan, a Canadian golfer prominent in the 1920's, who either hit a poor tee shot, was jumpy and shaky after a shot, or overslept and was late for a shot. Another theory is that John A. "Buddy" Mulligan, a locker room attendant from New Jersey, played golf with a sports writer who started using the term after Mulligan needed a redo after his first shot. The writer, Des Sullivan, used the term in his golf articles for the Newark Evening News. Regardless of which of these stories is true, the term has stuck, and this day is dedicated to it.

How to Observe Mulligan Day

Celebrate the day by giving yourself a redo for something that was not successful the first time around. Work to restart a friendship. Start exercising again. Renew a commitment to a diet plan. Try restarting that book you never got through. There are so many ideas of things you could try again. Don't worry about what happened in the past; this shot is all that matters! Happy Mulligan Day!

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