Cookie Monster Day
Cookie Monster Day celebrates the popular Sesame Street character, Cookie Monster, and takes place on his birthday. Cookie Monster was created by Muppet creator Jim Henson. Before debuting on Sesame Street in 1969, the monster that would become Cookie Monster got his start in 1966 as a "Wheel-Stealer" on an unaired General Mills commercial for a snack food. The following year the monster was featured in an IBM training film that included a self-destructing "coffee break machine". On October 8, 1967, this skit appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. The Cookie Monster prototype next appeared as Arnold in three commercials for Munchos, a potato snack from Frito-Lay. Henson could have kept making more commercials with the monster, but brought him to Sesame Street instead.
When Cookie Monster first appeared on Sesame Street, his role was undefined and he didn't have a name. But, by the second season he came into his own, and became one of the most popular characters on the show. He is known for his blue fur, googly eyes, simple language ("Me want cookie!"), and appetite to eat everything—not just cookies. There has been some concern that Cookie Monster encourages unhealthy eating, but Cookie Monster himself has even sang about eating healthy food. However, the song he is most known for is "C is for Cookie". He was played by Frank Oz until 2001, when David Rudman started doing most of the puppet's portrayals.
How to Observe Cookie Monster Day
Celebrate the day by watching Sesame Street! Watch it on TV, get some DVD's at the store or library, or find one of many places to watch it online. Since it is Cookie Monster's birthday, you could celebrate his birthday by making a Cookie Monster cake, or by eating cookies. You could even bake some cookies just like he'd have them. If you have young children you could read them Sesame Street books, such as Happy Birthday, Cookie Monster.