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Crowded Nest Awareness Day

Many parents whose adult children have moved out experience a feeling of loneliness and loss of purpose known as Empty Nest Syndrome. Another phenomenon, Crowded Nest Syndrome—called CNS by some—is recognized today, as are the parents who experience it. Some empty nesters have children who return to live with them, filling their nest up again. The children sometimes bring their own children with them, making the nest more full than it ever was. On top of that, aging grandparents may move in and crowd the nest even more.

With as many as four generations living under one roof, a feeling of dislocation may set in for those who recently thought of themselves as empty nesters. Crowded Nest Awareness Day, which brings awareness to this matter, appears to have first been observed in 2005 and may have been inspired by the book Crowded Nest Syndrome: Surviving the Return of Adult Children, which had been published a few years prior. The day reached its zenith a few years later during the Great Recession when a great number of adult children returned home to live with their parents.

How to Observe Crowded Nest Awareness Day

Are you a parent who is experiencing Crowded Nest Syndrome? Have your adult children moved back in, perhaps even bringing their spouse and children with them? Have your parents and in-laws moved in as well? Has it overwhelmed you to the point that you feel crowded in your own home? If this is the case, Crowded Nest Awareness Day provides an opportune time to reflect on this and to address the feelings you are having with those you are living with. Are you an adult child who is living in your parents' home? Have you talked to them about how they feel about it? Today is a great day to sit down with them and have a discussion about how they are feeling.

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