Look Up at the Sky Day
Also known as
National Look Up at the Sky Day
annually on April 14th
Look Up at the Sky Day encourages people to look up at the sky and to slow down and appreciate the beauty and significance of their surroundings. Celebrants look up during the day and see the beauty of the clouds floating by. They gaze up at night, taking in the moon, stars, and maybe even some planets.
It is not known who started Look Up at the Sky Day. Several sources suggest that it may have been created in honor of Jack Borden, who was born on April 14. He had been a newsman in Boston but quit his job soon after looking up at the sky—as he described it—for "the first time" in 1978. Shortly after, he founded For Spacious Skies to teach children and adults to live in the moment and appreciate nature's beauty.
How to Observe Look Up at the Sky Day
- Look up at the sky to watch the sunrise.
- Look up at the sky and examine the shapes of the clouds. Let them drift by, and let yourself relax. Make sure to avoid looking directly at the sun.
- Look up at the sky for birds. Count how many you see and try to identify their species.
- Look up at the sky and search for airplanes.
- If you only have a moment of time, step outside and look up at the sky.
- Look up at the sky to watch the sunset.
- Look up at the sky at night. Do some stargazing, taking in the stars, moon, and planets. Walk out into an open area to get a better perspective of the sky. You could lay on your back to look up at the sky. Identify some constellations. Maybe even use a telescope! You could check in advance to see what is prominent in the night sky right now.
- Visit a planetarium.
- Read a book about the sky.