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National Dump the Pump Day

National Dump the Pump Day, which is sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and was first held in June 2006, is a national public awareness day that encourages people to forgo the gas pump. They are to park their cars and use public transit—such as a bus or train—for the day. A goal of the day is for people to learn more about the public transportation system in their neighborhood, and the day shows that public transportation is convenient and helps save money. Its tagline is "Dump the Pump. Ride Transit." Public transit systems and organizations in more than 150 communities across the United States take part each year; they encourage new riders and thank those who use public transit every day. Many public transportation systems offer free rides, giving people the ability to try public transportation. Many public transportation systems also conduct contests and offer giveaways.

How to Observe National Dump the Pump Day

Leave your vehicle parked for the day and ride public transportation. Check with your local transit system to see if they are participating and to see what events are happening in your community. Free bus rides or other free transit rides are common on the day, and there often are contests and giveaways.

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