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National Punch Day

National Punch Day celebrates the sweet and many times alcoholic drink, punch. It is believed the word "punch" comes from the Hindi word "panch", which means five. The drink received this name because it was made with five ingredients: spirits—originally a fermented drink called arrack, lemons or limes, sugar, water, and tea or spices. Sailors and employees of the British East India Company brought punch from India to the United Kingdom in the early 17th century, and from there it spread to other European countries, and to the West Indies and the North American Colonies. Recipes for today's punches are similar to those from the 17th century. Punch is many times served in a large punch bowl, and an alcohol-free version is popular at children's parties. Specific named punches abound, such as Planter's Punch, Fish House Punch, and Sangaree. In the 1920's, colleges sometimes lent their name to punches, and there were punches such as "Harvard punch" and "Yale punch". Today many bottled "fruit punch" beverages exist, which contain very little juice and are usually dyed red.

How to Observe National Punch Day

Celebrate the day by drinking punch. Organize a party and have a huge punch bowl for everyone to drink from. Maybe you could have everyone bring their own punch for guests to try. There are so many types of punch that could be made. Try making some punches that have stood the test of time, such as Fish House Punch or Planter's Punch.

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